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Sweet Potato Quiche

I saw this recipe online recently and modified it for my own purposes. It looked like it was going to be a disaster while I prepared it, but it turned out to be really tasty :)

The recipe uses sweet potato, instead of a pastry crust, which helps reduce calories and fat. However, the sweet potato could be replaced with normal potato, or butternut squash. Try it out and see what you think!

1 - 2 Large, peeled sweet potato cut into very thin slices, so that they are approximately the shape of a circle. Feel free to use a normal potato or butternut instead!
200 g of broccoli or cauliflower cut into small florets

75g of sun dried tomatoes, or ham, or bacon, or chicken (i use tomatoes as i'm a vegetarian)

200 mL of milk (I used semi-skimmed)
4 eggs
A handful of chives and parsley

75g of extra mature cheese

Sea salt


Line a baking dish or pie dish with the potato/butternut circles so that they form a base covering the bottom of the dish and the sides. They need to be cut thin so that they can roughly take the shape of the dish. Bake in a medium oven (~160oC) for about 15 to 20-mins to form a pretend pastry crust!

While this is baking cook the broccoli or cauliflower for about 5-mins in boiling water. Drain, the broccoli/cauliflower and ensure it starts to dry, by placing it in the hot empty pan (helps to remove any liquid. the heat should be off).

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl and whisk lightly until the yolks are combined with a little salt and pepper. Mix in the parsley and chives, the milk, and when the broccoli is dry that too. Add in the tomatoes/ham/chicken etc after cutting into small pieces. Add in about 60 g of cheese and combine thoroughly.

Pour the egg/milk mixture into the baking dish with the potato. On the top sprinkle on the remaining cheese and some pepper to taste (you could add some cayenne if you like it hot). 

Then bake in the medium oven for about 50-minutes, until cooked and golden brown on top. Leave to cool for 10 minutes and then serve with a salad etc